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King Solomon’s 3000 year-old recipe for mutual sexual fulfillment

by Martin Zender


“Shagah” is a little-known Hebrew word from Proverbs that means “INTOXICATED
King Solomon told his son: “Be intoxicated continually by your WIFE
Wives are to become GODDESSES within the sanctity of the marriage
Shagahed men are happy because of constant sexual ENERGY
Shagah women get a man’s TIME and reverential respect, as in COURTSHIP
Shagah sex is SYMBIOTIC; the needs of both genders are met SIMULTANEOUSLY




Make the greatest power on earth                                   work FOR you instead of AGAINST you!

Learn the ONE REASON why courtships succeed and marriages fail
Discover 25 REASONS from science and the Bible why the female is the superior gender - and why this information is the greatest aphrodisiac the world has ever known
Learn the four sentences consisting of TWELVE WORDS that will re-make marriages overnight
Shagah acknowledges both lust and love, turning the volatile hormone testosterone into a woman’s most useful TOOL
When two people are willing to try it, Shagah principles will remake the intimate relationship IN LESS THAN 20 MINUTES!


Many books about human sexuality tell you HOW things are. 

This is the only book in existence that tells you WHY they are.


WHY do men propose to women, and not vice-versa?
WHY do courtships work but marriages fail?
WHY are women called “beautiful” while men are not?
WHY does the Bible tell husbands to cling to their wives? (Wives are never told to cling to their husbands.)
WHY do men steal women’s undergarments, but women never (never!) steal men’s?
WHY do women look lovely in high-heel footwear, while men look ridiculous?
WHY are men fascinated by the female foot?
WHY don’t women succumb to pornography?
WHY, by age 100, do women outnumber men 8 to 1?
WHY do certain cultures veil women?
WHY is Mary Poppins able to improve every male in the movie, not to mention the penguin waiters?
WHY did God create Eve last?
WHY is procreation not the main reason God created two sexes?
WHY, if God built woman from Adam’s rib, do men and women have the same number of ribs?
WHY do all men have a suture line underneath them?
WHY did God feel that the orgasm was necessary?

WHY did Solomon introduce the word “shagah” to his son and not to his daughters?

   wife as a mistress


Without the answers to these questions, you will
never truly understand your partner!

With the answers - YOU WILL!

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About the author:

Martin Zender






Martin Zender’s writing has appeared in The Cleveland Plain Dealer, The Chicago Tribune, The Atlanta Journal Constitution, and other newspapers. Bible scholar,  humorist, radio personality and conference speaker, he is the author of six books on spiritual freedom.